We met on a bet in college.


Ask us about it sometime. It’s a GREAT story. (Nathan’s version is the best!)

Through 25 years of marriage, 4 beautiful children and decades of ministry, we not only love each other, we actually like each other. God continues to write a GREAT story of love, grace, adventure and hope and we believe He is doing the same in you. Sometimes it just takes a friend and a little bit of space to help you see it.


Over the years we’ve worked in the marketplace, led young adults ministry, adopted internationally, scattered worship music all over the world, served on church executive teams and even planted a downtown church.

We’ve stood on platforms from Indiana to India, El Salvador to Israel and all places in-between. For decades we’ve counseled, coached, cared and comforted. Our home has been open to neighbors and naysayers, missionaries and ministers, leaders and lepers.

It’s been a magical ride. And we’re just getting started.


Sure there have been valleys. Sure there have been dark nights of the soul. Just like you, our lives have been this bizarre mix of success and suffering, joy and sorrow, overcoming faith and overwhelming grief.

And in leadership, you often experience those things alone.

But you don’t have to.

We’re dedicating the next chapter of our lives to YOU. And with the financial and prayerful partnership of others, we are creating a sacred space of rest—helping leaders see the God who never leaves, the love that never fails and the life that can flourish in the midst of anything.

We believe that in order to see refreshing and renewal in the land, we’re going to have to intentionally engage in the refreshing and renewal of our leaders.

So that’s exactly what we’re going to do. We’re going to pour our lives into others, knowing that “the generous will prosper and those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.” (Proverbs 11:25)

Nathan and Tricia LaGrange